educon Bildungsgipfel 2023

Hybrid Education Summit for Innovators and Thought Leaders

Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar
Participatory, collaborative, and future-oriented: education summit, educon offers professionals a platform for exchange as the event brings together innovators and thought leaders from different areas of education. The educon summit is hosted by the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region. YAEZ supports the planning, implementation and advertising of the event.

The educon is a space for innovators and thought leaders from all areas of education who want to make a difference together. In workshops, keynotes, panel talks, and other creative modules, they give impulses for the future of education and further educational innovations.

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Since the first educon in 2021, YAEZ has provided annual support for the preparation and implementation of the event, from working on the website and creating content for social media to managing the ticket store. In addition, we organize various events such as digital education cafés or hackathons and document the live event with an aftermovie.

educon Bildungsgipfeleducon Bildungsgipfeleducon Bildungsgipfeleducon Bildungsgipfel 2023educon Bildungsgipfel 2023educon Bildungsgipfel 2023 - Walldorf

The third educon took place from September 20 to 22, 2023 as a hybrid event, both online and at the Bundesgartenschau Mannheim (Federal Garden Exhibition Mannheim). This year’s focus was education on innovation – a topic that concentrates on skills we will need in the future. Participants discussed skills they need to actively, sustainably , and equitably shape the future of education while experts from research and teaching as well as representatives from the business world provided important insights on the topic.